What's normal?

After decades of being told our periods are a curse, it won't come as a surprise to find that the medical profession have also had a tendency to view periods (and women generally) as pathological. I mean, there must be something wrong with us right?

PMS is the best example of the medicalisation of our monthly cycle. Many women believe it is caused by a hormone imbalance. But, no-one has ever found a singular hormonal cause nor a singular hormonal treatment for PMS. Robyn DeLuca sums it up brilliantly in this TED talk.

The way we approach PMS (and other period problems) is the same way we look at pregnancy, child birth and the menopause too. Constantly looking to interfere and 'cure' ourselves of our female physiology. We are told by the outside world that the experiences we have are uncomfortable, unpleasant, awkward. Just look at the adverts for 'sanitary' products and you'll catch my drift.

Because it has been men (up till recently) who were the academics, the peak of health has been exemplified by a young, white, man. This is seen as the default for excellent health. Anything outside of a young, white, man is a deviation from the peak of health. We are deviants simply by being female.

I'm about to teach you the women's mysteries of our ancestors, which will have you feeling normal again. Because being a woman isn't a curse, it's a blessing.

what's normal video

There was a discussion at the end of this webinar but I haven't included it so as to try and preserve the privacy of the participants. I hope you understand.

Video: YouCut_20190513_213025612


Another way of understanding the menstrual cycle

I created this circular diagram to demonstrate the menstrual cycle. I hope it helps solidify the cycle in a new way. It took me many years to really grasp it! Just click on the image and it'll take you to the right website.

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